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Leading the way for affordable access

September 7, 2023

Minnesota continues to be a national leader in reproductive rights and justice, abortion access, and health care access.

With the support of you and Minnesotans across the state, we’ve dismantled decades of anti-abortion restrictions. We’ve enshrined the right to abortion in Minnesota law. And we’ve made our state a safe haven for everyone who needs, provides, or helps someone get abortion care.

But our work is not over. Access to care is not equitable or affordable for many.

To keep going into the next legislative session, we’ve launched a state-wide digital and print campaign.

Here are some samples of the art you might be seeing on social media, billboards, and coasters!

digital and print campaign

And new supporters are joining us from all over Minnesota!

As we get ready for the work ahead, we need your help keeping up the momentum and fulfilling the promise of reproductive freedom for all. Add your name today.

Thank you for being with us in this fight.