aware of my choice
I am an employed working mother of 2 beautiful children, whose lives I get to participate in because I have a college education and had them at a time in my life I was prepared for them. When I was 20 years old, I had another pregnancy, that I chose to abort. I was scared, uncertain and the oldest of 5 of a poor family. If I had that child I would have been unable to give it up for adoption from family pressure, and I knew I would have resented my child for not having a chance at living my life and becoming something for myself before I had to care for it. How do you care for a child and be the kind of mother you want to be when you do not know yourself yet? …I needed to learn what it was to be me without caring for a child as I had already done for most of my life… …I grieved for my loss, but I rejoiced for my daughter who came at a time I could care for her without government assistance. I did not want to be looking for handouts when I had my child, or pass on a legacy of poverty. My children are my greatest treasure, and your religion has no part in my choices with my body.
- Jessica
control of our own bodies
I had an abortion when I was 20 years old. It was 1984 and I was single and in college, having a child was not in my plans. I was fortunate to have a strong, open relationship with my mother, who supported me through the entire process… …She had had an abortion in 1978, just a few weeks after my father died. My father passed away suddenly when I was 13 and my brother was 11. Newly widowed, 46 years old, and with two young children to care for, she knew that having another child would make a horrible situation even worse. She made a choice. After hearing her story, I realized that my decision had been a relatively easy one; hers, unimaginably difficult. The one thing that we both had that was not difficult, was the ability to choose, the right to decide if, when, and how to have children and control of our own bodies.
- Melanie
never felt regret
I am 74 now, but needed, wanted an abortion in 1968. Think about 1968-I was a feminist and sexual in the way men were. I knew I couldn’t have a child at that time in my life. They were illegal. I asked every woman I knew and trusted for help and one friend knew a friend and I got an abortion. It was expensive and scary, but I never felt regret. I lived a full life , had two children when I wanted them.
- Linda
it was an easy choice
I had an abortion many years ago. I am 58. It was not something I am proud of. It WAS the right thing to do. It was NOT a time in my life or my family’s life to bring a child into my world. I probably should not say this, but it was an easy choice. It was THAT bad of a time for me to be pregnant with that kind of a person. I am forever thankful for Planned Parenthood Highland. EVERYONE involved was respectful, honest, direct, open to questions, SAFE – in ALL ways. I would never want it ANY other way for ANY other individual. Ever. It was my right. It was my life. It IS my body. Thank you for what you do and the bologna you have to put up with while you are doing it!
- Heidi
plan our family and our lives
In 1972, my girlfriend flew from Cedar Rapids, IA to NYC to get an abortion. In 1975, my girlfriend became my wife. In 1979, my wife started a new job as an instructor at a technical college, found out that she was pregnant, and had a second abortion. In 1982, our daughter was born and in 1984, our son was born. In 2012, 2014, 2016, grandchildren were born. In 2017, my wife passed away from colon cancer. Thanks to safe access to abortion care, we were able to plan our family and our lives together.
- Jerry