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Our amazing coalition partners

March 16, 2023

Our partners in UnRestrict Minnesota are hard at work, every day, to ensure abortion access and reproductive freedom are protected here in Minnesota.

Some of our partners work directly to provide abortion care (Just the Pill and WE Health Clinic), fund abortion care (Our Justice), and organize across the state (Pro-Choice Minnesota).

Read more to learn about exciting ways to directly support our partners this month!

Just the Pill Fund-a-Thon

Fund-a-thon is an act of collective power supporting abortion access.

Hosted by the National Network of Abortion Funds, this annual fundraiser makes it easy to help fund abortions for Just The Pill’s traveling patients! This can be an in-person, virtual, or hybrid event that brings community members together to raise money for abortion access!

There are many ways to get involved or donate directly – find out more and get involved today!

Dream big for abortion with Our Justice

The Fund-a-Thon is Our Justice’s annual peer to peer fundraising campaign and supports direct service work and advocacy efforts all year round. This year their goal is $175,000 – that’s the amount distributed in abortion assistance funds in 2022.

Registering for a team or as an individual fundraiser is a great way to get your community involved in directly funding abortion!

With continued attacks on abortion access, we know that it’s up to us to build the world of reproductive justice we want to see, to dream big for abortion and make it possible for all people and communities to make sexual and reproductive health decisions with self-determination.

40 Days for Choice for Pro-Choice Minnesota

40 Days for Life, the largest anti-abortion campaign in the United States, recently launched again in Minnesota. Abortion clinics in our communities are overwhelmed with anti-abortion protestors gathering outside their doors, with the intent of harassing, shaming, and intimidating patients seeking reproductive care.

That is why Pro-Choice Minnesota is launching our unapologetically pro-abortion response – 40 Days for Choice, through April 9th.

40 Days for Choice will support expanding abortion access in our state, upholding Minnesota’s status as the North Star of the pro-abortion movement, and funding Pro-Choice Minnesota’s statewide volunteer clinic escort program.

WE Health Clinic

WE Health Clinic’s home, the Building for Women, needs help! In our post-Roe world it is so important for us to have a safe, secure, and welcoming location to continue providing abortion care in Duluth.

There are a number of important (and costly) repairs that must be made to the building. WE Health Clinic and their fellow building-partners have created a Go-Fund-Me campaign to help raise these much-needed funds. Please donate and share!

Thank you for being part of UnRestrict Minnesota! If you’d like to learn more about all of our coalition partners and support their work, please check out our partner page here.

In solidarity,
Abena Abraham
UnRestrict Minnesota Campaign Director