not prepared
I had an abortion. It was not a difficult choice – I was not prepared to be pregnant. I did not want to deal with any of the health issues, restrictions or professional consequences to being pregnant. I am finding my voice in speaking up and putting my experience to the abortion story. I am tired of the guilt and shame associated with making the best choice for myself, my health, my future. I had that choice and all people should. Access to healthcare is a human right. Restricting procedures for healthcare based on other people’s religious principles is unconstitutional. Freedoms are not to be restricted by gender, race, ability, religion, gender or sexual identification. I will always fight for your choice to do what is best for your body and health.
- Rebecca
refuse to rollover
Medical freedom is a basic human right. You can have an opinion, but there are rights for a reason. Picking away at the 4th, 9th and 14th amendments because a political spectrum of this country believes it is acceptable to impose their opinions on the rest is a form of subjugation. This country has made a lot of mistakes, and we have a long way to go when it comes to true equality, but turning back freedoms is the opposite of the American Dream we profess to represent. I refuse to rollover and allow small minds to win. I choose to fight for my rights and the rights of everyone that comes after me.
- Katherine
partner disregarded my wishes
I had an abortion after my partner disregarded my wishes and stealthily removed the condom during sex, later saying that he didn’t think I could get pregnant. I was sad and angry that I was forced to make a choice I hadn’t wanted to have to make, but I don’t regret my choice to end my pregnancy then. An abuser is out of my life. My life is more stable and I am able to care well for myself and be there for those I love in my life. I hope others have the choice to do what is best for themselves, their families, and others that they love in their lives.
- Kristina
hold your life hostage
I was a teen in the 70s. Many friends had abortions and were able to complete their dreams because they were able to terminate pregnancies. Birth control fails sometimes, bad choices are made. Unplanned pregnancies shouldn’t hold your life hostage. My daughters and granddaughters, and sons and grandsons too, should have the rights we had in 1973 and 50 yrs forward.
- Julie
enough is enough
The last few SCOTUS decisions have been the straw that has broken my back. Although I have always held opinions on abortion rights, I have never been public about where I stand. The overturn of Roe, a right I have held since I was 14 in 1972, has caused me to hit the “activate” button. I have had enough of the patriarchy, their misogyny, and of being othered by the status quo. Enough is enough. Time to truly use my voice.
- Nina