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Abortion Stories

Our reasons for supporting abortion are personal and powerful. Thanks to those have have shared their experiences. Share yours.

  • full-term stillbirth

    I’m nearly 80 yrs young. My high school Classmate died from an illegal abortion in 1962. We were in Girl Scouts together. I suffered a full-term stillbirth, a daughter, in 1965. Another Classmate required a medical abortion to save her own life.  We cannot go back to sacrificing women’s lives because of religious zealots! Never go back!!

    - Susan

  • my birth control failed

    When my birth control failed and I needed to access abortion care, I was incredibly grateful to have the resources and support that I needed to make it through the experience. Navigating abortion care in this state was doable but difficult. The steps I needed to take, scripts I was forced to listen to, and time I was made to wait before I was allowed to make the decision that was best for me all felt unnecessary. What’s more, these state-mandated scripts lump all pregnant people into the group ‘women.’ As a non-binary person, I faced extra challenges accessing care because I had to put up with being misgendered and erased from the narrative in order to get the care I needed. I fight to unrestrict access to abortion because I know that there are many other Minnesotans with fewer resources and less support – as well as others who do not identify as women – who deserve the ability to make the choices best for themselves and their bodies without having to face these barriers.

    - Heather

  • Reproductive decisions are personal

    As a midwife, I recognize that reproductive decisions are personal, and that the ability to decide freely and access abortion care is critical to the health and survival of each person. Birth can be amazing, but it can also be complicated and traumatic. No one should be forced to stay pregnant and give birth against their will.

    - Becca

  • essential unconditional liberty

    A woman’s right to bodily autonomy is an essential unconditional liberty. Without it, women cannot be equals in our society. If you don’t own yourself, you own nothing. I stand unwaveringly for a woman’s right to choose. Her reasons are her own.

    - Kate

  • a hard choice

    I am a believer that no man or woman has the right to tell another woman what she can do with her body and healthcare. When I was younger I used to be against it. That is until my aunt and grandmother informed me that my sister had one. I was shocked! But that never changed my love for my sister. It was explained that my sister and the baby would die during her pregnancy or when delivering. A hard choice she made, but it was out of love that she made it. That changed my view and became an advocate for Pro choice.

    - James